Face Recognition can be used as a test framework for face recognition methods
Face Recognition can be used as a test framework for several face recognition methods including the Neural Networks with TensorFlow and Caffe.It includes following preprocessing algorithms:- Grayscale- Crop- Eye Alignment- Gamma Correction- Difference of Gaussians- Canny-Filter- Local Binary Pattern- Histogramm Equalization (can only be used if grayscale is used too)- ResizeYou can choose from the following feature extraction and classification methods:- Eigenfaces with Nearest Neighbour- Image Reshaping with Support Vector Machine- TensorFlow with SVM or KNN- Caffe with SVM or KNNThe manual can be found here https://github.com/Qualeams/Android-Face-Recognition-with-Deep-Learning/blob/master/USER%20MANUAL.mdAt the moment only armeabi-v7a devices and upwards are supported.For best experience in recognition mode rotate the device to left._______________________________________________________________TensorFlow:If you want to use the Tensorflow Inception5h model, download it from here:https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/models/inception5h.zipThen copy the file "tensorflow_inception_graph.pb" to "/sdcard/Pictures/facerecognition/data/TensorFlow"Use these default settings for a start:Number of classes: 1001 (not relevant as we dont use the last layer)Input Size: 224Image mean: 128Output size: 1024Input layer: inputOutput layer: avgpool0Model file: tensorflow_inception_graph.pb---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to use the VGG Face Descriptor model, download it from here:https://www.dropbox.com/s/51wi2la5e034wfv/vgg_faces.pb?dl=0Caution: This model runs only on devices with at least 3 GB or RAM.Then copy the file "vgg_faces.pb" to "/sdcard/Pictures/facerecognition/data/TensorFlow"Use these default settings for a start:Number of classes: 1000 (not relevant as we dont use the last layer)Input Size: 224Image mean: 128Output size: 4096Input layer: PlaceholderOutput layer: fc7/fc7Model file: vgg_faces.pb_______________________________________________________________Caffe:If you want to use the VGG Face Descriptor model, download it from here:http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/software/vgg_face/src/vgg_face_caffe.tar.gzCaution: This model runs only on devices with at least 3 GB or RAM.Then copy the files "VGG_FACE_deploy.prototxt" and "VGG_FACE.caffemodel" to "/sdcard/Pictures/facerecognition/data/caffe"Use these default settings for a start:Mean values: 104, 117, 123Output layer: fc7Model file: VGG_FACE_deploy.prototxtWeights file: VGG_FACE.caffemodel_______________________________________________________________The license files can be found here https://github.com/Qualeams/Android-Face-Recognition-with-Deep-Learning/blob/master/LICENSE.txt and here https://github.com/Qualeams/Android-Face-Recognition-with-Deep-Learning/blob/master/NOTICE.txt- Switch from building Tensorflow from source to using the Jcenter library- Included optimized_facenet model and changed default settings to use TensorFlow by default
I could give it zero if possible You keep wasting my data Downloaded it twice but it won't install
ToĆ³ complicated
Good so far very precise
Did u say it to the first lady to be a g v f and I can get her out back to her house in a couple dollars I think 6AM has to go through this process to be sure you can get her
Could not upload images this makes using it for anything meaningful virtually impossible
Great app